

Marcin Pacyna

Owner, graduate of the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economy at the Wrocław University. He gained his experience in one of the best Law Firms in Wrocław, where, between 2002 and 2003, he dealt with commercial law, including company law, civil law and tax law.

Tax advisor since 2006, attorney-at-law since 2013.
Author of many articles on legal matters, he has published several hundred papers in i.a: „Gazeta Prawna" [Legal Gazette], „Gazeta Podatkowa" [Tax Gazette] „Biuletyn dla Służb Ekonomiczno-Finansowych" [Boulletin for Economic and Financial Services], „Poradnik VAT" [VAT Guide] or „Przegląd Podatku dochodowego" [Income Tax Overview], mainly in the area of tax law.

Lecturer of tax law, he has conducted more than a thousand trainings.
Within the years 2004-2012, he lectured at the Post-graduate Tax Studies at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Opole University.

Currently, in the process of defending his doctoral dissertation titled “Action brought by the tax authorities to determine the existence or non-existence of a legal relationship or a right."

Author of books on tax law, i.a: “Tax depreciation of fixed, intangible and legalassets – A commentary", and items such as: “Year end – CIT, PIT, VAT" (during the years 2006 – 2008), published by PAR S.A. and is a co-author of “Tax advisor’s Vade Mecum", published by the same publishers.

Specialising in
– VAT – Polish and European regulations
– income taxes (PIT and CIT)
– tax proceedings and tax controls
– court procedure (administrative courts)
– fiscal penal matters
– commercial law companies and partnerships
– taxes in local self-government units (e.g. centralisation, pre-indicator)
– undisclosed sources of income

Cooperating with experts and service
We cooperate with statutory auditors, legal counsellors, economists and accountants.

Insurance and professional secrecy
PWile rendering legal services, our Firm is insured for an amount of 300.000 EUR and while rendering tax consultancy services, for an amount of 1 mln PLN.
Attorney-at-law and legal advisor, while performing his professional activities, is obliged to preserve professional secrecy. The obligation to preserve professional secrecy is not limited in time.


We represent the Clients in tax disputes before administrative courts (i.e. regional administrative courts and Supreme Administrative Court).

We provide a thorough service, without any limitations (full representation, from the opening of the court case to final judgment).

The hearing before administrative courts is usually limited to one session at which the verdict is passed. Our Law Firm may personally represent the Client at that hearing.

Some of the activities performed by our Law Firm: appeals against decisions and rulings, cassations against judgments and rulings, complaints, complaints against inactivity or delayed proceedings and other acts, participation in the hearing, etc.


We represent the Clients during all controls (tax controls), such as for example: verification, tax controls, tax proceedings, customs controls, security and law enforcement proceedings.

We act before all tax authorities, such as heads of tax offices, heads of customs offices, directors of tax chambers, local government tax authorities (heads of communes, mayors, presidents of cities, local government boards of appeal).

We provide thorough aid at every stage of the proceedings which is realised in any form agreed with the Client.

Some of the activities performed by our Law Firm: objections to post-control protocols, appeals against decisions, appeals against rulings, personal presence during the hearing of witnesses, forensiic studies, etc.


In our Law Firm, we help to form general, professional, limited partnerships and limited liability companies.

We advise and handle company restructuring, mergers, spin-offs and transformations.

Our activities cover the etire scope of company law and take into account taxation, fiscal and family-related aspects for the shareholders.

Some of the activities performed by our Law Firm: drafting contracts, registering companies, representing Clients, creating the concept of how to protect assets of shareholders and members of the management board etc.


Our Law Firm provides thorough tax consultancy services. We help in getting a specific tax interpretation – from making an application, through filing the application and representing the client in that matter ending with representing the client before administrative courts.

We prepare tax opinions, containing thorough analysis of a given issue as to certain tax solutions, further steps to be taken and financial implications for the Client. We provide tax advice in any form: directly in our office, in Client’s premises, by e-mail, by fax, by traditional post, by phone, etc.

We carry out tax audits (control of the books and client’s settlements as to their compliance with tax law), ending with an opinion containing a list of detected failures and indicating measures for solving the detected inconsistencies. During every audit, we pay attention to the same issues that may be of interest to the controlling authorities.

Some of the services we provide: tax opinions, tax consultancy, tax audits, applying for tax interpretations, etc.


We provide aid in penal fiscal cases, related to criminal fiscal offences.

We provide aid from preparatory proceedings to closing the proceedings with a final court judgment, and if needed we render our services during the execution of judicial decisions.

Some of the services we provide: representation before criminal authorities and courts, drafting appeals, complaints, participation in hearings.



Kancelaria Prawno-Podatkowa Adwokat Doradca Podatkowy Marcin Pacyna

If you can not reach a landline or mobile phone, please use the contact form. We will contact you as soon as possible.

  • ul. Świdnicka 18/20 (budynek „Solpol 2", V piętro) 50-068 Wrocław
  • phone: (071) 733 69 97,
    mob: 606 782 096,
    fax: (071) 733 63 17
  • doradca@kancelaria-pacyna.pl